miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

A day in the Fairy Godmother's life!

Hello! I am the Fairy Godmother. I am very happy to meet you! Would you like to learn about a typical day in my life? Maybe if you do all this, you can become a fairy godmother or a wizard too!

First, I get up at 6 o'clock. I never get up late! Fairies are always busy, so you have to start really early to do everything! Then, I go to the toilet to brush my teeth. After that, I have breakfast. I have two waffles with jam and a big cup of hot chocolate for breakfast. You have to be really energetic to do magic and a great breakfast is necessary!
After having breakfast, I start my work: I turn on the computer and read all the mails of the people who need my help. Sometimes I help people in Argentina; sometimes I help people in India, or even in China! I get on my flying carpet and...
fly to different places!
At 5 o'clock, I come back home and have some tea with toasts. When I finish, I study magic or take flying lessons, or sometimes I fix my magic wand! It works day and night, so sometimes it doesn't work properly.
I have a shower at 7.30 pm and then I have dinner and go to bed. I always read a book before I sleep.
As you can see, my day is always busy! But I love my work!!

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